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Chinese translation for "observation station"


Related Translations:
observation:  n.1.观察,注意;观察力;?望。2.观测,实测;【航海】测天;【军事】观测,监视,侦察。3.(观察得的)知识,经验;〔pl.〕观察[观测]报告[资料]。4.经验谈,讲话,谈话;评述,按语,短评,意见 (on)。5.〔口语〕发言,言论。短语和例子a man of no observation 没有观察力的人。 an expedition of observation 观察队
participant observation:  (社会学家等通过参加研究对象的活动进行的)现场观察研究。
observation plane:  【航空】侦察机。
observation post:  【军事】监视哨,了望哨〔略为 O Pip〕。
observation balloon:  【军事】观测气球。
observation check:  外部检验。
observation car:  (火车的)游览车厢。
lunar observation:  太阴观测。
Example Sentences:
1.Data procession methods discussion of land surface movement observation station
2.Study on and application of the digital integral hydrological observation station
3.Observation stations 48 pieces
4.Code for highway and main formation and administration maintenance organizations . code for national trunk highway of traffic volume observation station
5.The hydrological and meteorological situ - observation stations in the yangtse river estuary were established from 1955 years , a mass of data was acquired in the last 40 years
6.The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown plant , collecting rocks and minerals , putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide
7.The characteristics of geomagnetic low - value displacement anomalies statistically analyzed by using the geomagnetic z component data from hebei and neighboring provinces 17 observation stations
8.The result is helpful for the specimen analysis and process when instrument is out of order in observation station , as well as the short - term and emergent trace monitoring in special condition
9.Because of adopting fixed groundwork , position of every observation station is immovability , agility of instrument is poor , singular fixed stand can not meet the need of modern equipment
10.The paper designed aerodynamic control system of pith and yaw channels and roll angle stabilization system , by using unsteady - state error follow - up control theory and state observation station theory in modern control theory
Similar Words:
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